Creation of the saga poster in May 2007 and its modification
(published in March, 2008) was my largest work until now.
This is the final version:

Many people asked me to upload a version with the old logo:

Many changes were made on this poster compared to the original versions below:
I corrected two flipping errors, the Hoth pilot (Zev Senesca) was replaced with Wedge Antilles, Ewok Logray with Wicket, white-dressed Leia
with a more attractive one etc. I put an X-Wing to the right side and the official logos. Some of these changes were made according to my
original plans; some of them were inspired by the feedbacks and opinions from all over the net. I think this version is much better than the
original one - I hope you agree.
I thank the help of Joe Mellen from Spaceye Designs, Inc. who informed me that there were
some editing errors on the sagaposter I was unable to spot because my monitor is a bit old and now it is dying, unfortunately...
Joe was wery kind and he corrected these errors - now this is my "official one". I plan no more changes therefore please do not ask me
to put some figures on the poster. I could extend this picture forever but for what end? I think it is wiser to stop it here.

You can find the original versions made in May, 2007 below
the Google Ad.
